Creative summer activities for kids
Having a vast selection of creative summer activities for kids makes the next 6-8 weeks of your life much easier. Your kids will be happier, you will be happier, and wonderful memories are made in the process.
Check out the
summer reading list here!

Having a schedule to follow when I was a nanny to 8 children ages 3 to 12 was my biggest sanity saver! It takes a little bit to get used to it, and to map it out each week but it is so worth it.
Check out my
sample schedule
that I follow every week. It is easier if you designate a
to design your week around.
Summer Fun
Here are some ideas for fun summer activities, also be sure to check out the
outdoor activities page!
Summer Advent Style Calendar
If you celebrate Advent, or know someone who does, then you know the excitement that kids feel wondering what they will pull out of the pocket each day. This simple project is with complete instructions as well as daily ideas will keep excitement alive for the whole summer!
Nature Walk
What fun it is to go on nature adventure walks! Bringing a special bag with everything you need for a nature hike makes it even more fun for your kids.
Frosty Treats
A great night before or morning activity during the super hot days of summer. Popsicles, homemade ice cream, sorbet, banana pops, and slushies are great treats!
Banana Pops
DIY Ice Cream
Water Games
Even if you don't have a pool, there are a lot of fun water activities to do during hot summerdays!
Summer Book Club
In all my years working and living with kids, even those resistant to reading enjoy doing things with the adults in their lives. Creating a book club can promote the love of reading in every member of your family! Check out the
summer reading list!
Out and About
Each week I try and schedule at least one fun outing per week.
Some great examples are:
This is a great trip for kids! You can do a theme week around it, or each of the animals. Getting a memership makes this a very affordable outing.
You Pick Farms
What could be more fun than picking your own fruit? Not only is it cheaper than the grocery store, but it makes children have more of an understanding of where their food comes from. A great place to find local you pick farms in your area is
Local Harvest
So many places fall under this category, go to them all! Parks offer physical activity, exploration, and are a great way to break up the day.
The local beach, pool club, community pool, YMCA, or maybe you own a pool. It isn't summer with out a healthy dose of swimming.
While you are at the beach don't forget to collect some art supplies that you can use to make collages and other fun art projects.
Summer Crafts and Activities
Chalk Paint
Crayon Hot Rocks
DIY Lemonade
Did you like the creative summer activities page? Check out the weekly themes!